Saturday, May 10, 2014

9 Things I'd like to say to my past self.

The Old saying goes "Hindsight is 20/20" If that's the case, Id like to share some tips with my past self on navigating my twenties. 

1. Don't worry about everything. Control what you can control. Fix what needs fixing. Worrying is a colossal waste of time.
I Can Fix That

2. Work out more (Actually I should give my present self this advice.) It's a whole lot easier when you bounce back like a rubber band. 

3. No matter how cheap the bills, DO NOT live with more than 2 people. Even two people is a little much. You always feel like you're living on top of each other.

4. Learn to be comfortable in your own skin. No one is judging you more than your judging yourself.

5. You suck at math. Accept it, move on.

6. Learn to say No. You cannot do everything. You're not superman!! You realize that saying yes to everyone just leaves you feeling put out, left out and unhappy.

7. Life is too short to do a job that you hate. Do what you love, and even if you don't get rich, you'll be happy. That doesn't mean quit your job and ruin yourself. But if you're unhappy, start laying the groundwork for happiness.

8. Pick your friends wisely because it's not terribly easy making friends as a grown up. Everyone generally thinks that you want something or that you're a creep!

Vs Reality

9. Take more risks. "Your 20's are to make mistakes, Your 30's are to learn your lessons, your 40's are to pay the drinks. -Carrie Bradshaw You may fall flat on your face, but at least you tried, and probably have an awesome story. 

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