Sunday, May 4, 2014

Don't worry, be happy.

This semester has been an interesting one. I've done/ am doing really well in all of my courses, but finding time to work, be social, maintain some what of a healthy eating regiment, and workout has presented the biggest challenges. This past weekend was my uncle Brenan’s annual birthday camping trip. I thought that I would have gotten a lot more work done during the week and would have to worry too much about going away on a Saturday. That was a true lesson in what you want isn’t always what you get, but plans were already in motion and I didn’t want to bail on someone who’s always been so good to me.
So I gassed up the Subaru and headed to Dansville. When I got there I was greeted with a beer and some assistance on setting up my tent. In my head I assumed that I wouldn’t get any work done at all and that it would be all fun and games. It was I’m not gonna to lie.
            However, the combination of the wind in the trees, the light sound of the rushing brook, and the sun gradually waking me up, was a perfect recipe for crystal clear thought. I had no electronic interference or distractions, no tweets, Facebook alerts, or text messages. The more and more I understand my relationship with distraction and media; the more I enjoy and appreciate going radio silent.

  So I encourage you, GO out and find what centers you. I promise you that you'll be a much more productive contributor to your own life. 

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